Designated Safeguarding Lead Specialist Certificate: Levels 1-3

Course covers all the key aspects of safeguarding and is ideal for any individuals or organizations who want to ensure they are up-to-date with the current laws and regulations in regards to safeguarding. During the course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the scope of safeguarding, the roles and responsibilities of the DSL, and the skills and knowledge to effectively carry out their role.

Designated Safeguarding Lead Specialist Certificate: Levels 1-3

Course covers all the key aspects of safeguarding and is ideal for any individuals or organizations who want to ensure they are up-to-date with the current laws and regulations in regards to safeguarding. During the course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the scope of safeguarding, the roles and responsibilities of the DSL, and the skills and knowledge to effectively carry out their role.
Education form
12 months

Keep up to date with your advanced training requirements, plus all the tools you need to deliver mandatory Level 1 training to the whole school!

The Ofsted Education Inspection Framework 2019 continues to place great importance on your safeguarding provision. To help you become an expert in safeguarding children and young people, we have created a certificate designed for the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy designated safeguarding lead (DDSL).

The certificate provides up-to-date guidance, as well as how to become a Level 1 safeguarding trainer to deliver the mandatory Level 1 induction training for the whole school.

Access 24/7
Our unique system will let you work through this specialist training programme at your own pace.
You will be able to test your knowledge along the way with quizzes and tests to identify gaps in your knowledge.
Hear from our wide range of education experts and safeguarding specialists.
Access a wide range of current tools, templates, checklists and policies that you can download and start using straight away.
The training is kept up-to-date, so that your advance safeguarding knowledge is always current.
Changes from the Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2019 and what this means for safeguarding are included.

The Modules

Module 1: The current regulatory framework
✔ The Children Act
✔ Changes to Ofsted inspections 2019
✔ Working together to safeguard children
✔ Keeping children safe in education
✔ Reporting and acting on child abuse and neglect
✔ Mental health Green Paper
✔ School’s responsibilities for safeguarding
Module 2: Safe staffing and recruitment
✔ Staff responsibilities regarding safeguarding
✔ Role of the of the DSL and DDSL
✔ Role of the safeguarding governor
✔ Safer recruitment
✔ The Single Central Record
✔ Staff conduct
✔ Implementing policies and procedures
Module 3: Identifying safeguarding concerns
✔ Children at risk of abuse
✔ The main signs of abuse to be alert to
✔ Handling a child protection disclosure
✔ Raising concerns
✔ Whistleblowing
✔ Reporting a safeguarding incident
✔ Allegation of abuse by a member of staff
✔ Death or serious injury of a child
Module 4: Inter-agency working
✔ Early help and the lead practitioner role
✔ Accessing help and services
✔ Awareness of local safeguarding policies and procedures
✔ Learning from serious case reviews
✔ Information sharing and confidentiality
✔ Information sharing and confidentiality
✔ Making a safeguarding referral
✔ Multi agency plans
✔ Record keeping
✔ Working with safeguarding partners
Module 5: Ofsted inspections 2019
✔ Background and key documents
✔ Keeping children safe in education
✔ Ofsted framework 2019
✔ Changes to the Ofsted framework
✔ What else have Ofsted said
✔ Staff wellbeing
Module 6: Mental health in young people
✔ Whole-school approach to mental health
✔ Role of the Designated Mental Health Lead
✔ Risk and protective factors
✔ Emotional abuse
✔ Self-harm
✔ Eating disorders
✔ Anxiety and depression
✔ Suicide ideation
✔ Body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria
✔ Bullying and mental health
✔ Bereavement
Module 7: Risks at home
✔ Children missing education
✔ Fabricated or induced illness
✔ Forced marriage and honour-based violence
✔ Young people as carers
✔ Supporting children with a family member in prison
✔ Domestic violence
✔ Looked after children
✔ Traveller children
Module 8: Risks outside the home
✔ Contextual safeguarding
✔ Alcohol and drug abuse
✔ Sexual violence and sexual harassment
✔ Peer on peer abuse and bullying
✔ Modern slavery, child sexual exploitation and trafficking
✔ Gang activity and youth violence
✔ The Prevent Duty
✔ Reasonable force
Module 9: Safe use of technology
✔ A whole-school approach to online safety
✔ Filtering and monitoring
✔ The impact of new technology including gaming, social media, vlogging
✔ The impact of technology on sexual behaviour
✔ Your role in protecting children from online grooming
✔ Consider your approach to cyber bullying
✔ Involving parents in online safety
Module 10: Level 1 Train the Trainer
✔ Training ALL new staff on safeguarding – statutory requirements
✔ Keeping staff and governors up to date
✔ Administrating the training programme
✔ Evaluating the effectiveness of the training programme
✔ Developing your training style
Module 11: Safeguarding Level 1 staff training resources
✔ Part 1: Staff responsibilities for safeguarding
✔ Part 2: Identifying safeguarding concerns
✔ Part 3: Children at risk
✔ Part 4: Safe use of technology
Module 12: Safeguarding and SEND
✔ Why SEND children are at risk
✔ Identifying abuse in SEND children
✔ Communication difficulties
✔ SEND and absence and exclusion
✔ Bullying of SEND children
✔ Mental health of SEND children
✔ Reasonable force
Module 13: Safeguarding implications post pandemic
✔ Introduction
✔ Government guidance on safeguarding during and after the pandemic
✔ Ofsted expectations and guidance on safeguarding during and after the pandemic
✔ Safeguarding concerns during remote and blended learning
✔ Ensuring safeguarding compliance with outside providers of catchup learning
✔ Out of school services and holiday clubs safeguarding procedures
✔ Managing the impact of the pandemic on child mental health and wellbeing
✔ Re-establishing school as a safe place to learn post pandemic

Course content

Training videos

High quality learning and instructional videos for training, prepared and recorded by our speakers.
High quality learning and instructional videos for training, prepared and recorded by our speakers.
24 hours / 7 day access

Uninterrupted access from any place and device, with autosave of your current progress.
Uninterrupted access from any place and device, with autosave of your current progress.
Complex support

All the materials used by the speakers are available for you to download.
All the materials used by the speakers are available for you to download.
Case studies

Particular instances with downloadable materials prepared by practitioners.
Particular instances with downloadable materials prepared by practitioners.
Knowledge compendium

Practical examples, ready-made solutions and advices.
Practical examples, ready-made solutions and advices.
Certificate confirming participation in the course

Confirming the acquisition of new competences.
Confirming the acquisition of new competences.


Samantha Garner
Consultant & Trainer
Samantha Garner is a well-established consultant and trainer in the world of SEN and Mental Health. Originally a music teacher, she has worked in the SEN arena for over 15 years and spent time in a large secondary school where she set up a specialist behaviour unit. After this time she qualified as a CBT therapist and child and adolescent counsellor. Sam has trained and consulted in the whole spectrum of educational establishments from PRUs to very prestigious private schools. She is a published author of several mental health support programmes and regularly writes for SEN magazines.
Abigail Clay
Cosain Consultancy
Abigail Clay is a nationally respected expert in the complex and increasingly challenging world of Safeguarding and the Government’s Prevent strategy. With more than 30 years’ experience within the school/ FE/HE sector, Abigail has developed extensive knowledge of the statutory Prevent agenda and has worked enthusiastically within local, regional and national environments to embed its relevance and vital importance to 21st century education and child policies.
Alex Colclough
Education consultant
Alex has more than 10 years experience as a senior leader in education as both Primary Acting Head and Deputy. Alex worked for Richmond and Kingston LSCB as Education Lead, providing training and support to school DSLs across the boroughs and recently spent 6 months working with the Achieving for Children Virtual School, championing the education of the looked after and previous looked after children in Richmond, Kingston, Windsor and Maidenhead.
John Viner
Education writer, adviser and inspector
John Viner has taught in both primary and secondary schools, with a long history of successful primary school leadership. He is now a full-time writer, inspector and adviser.
John Rees
School Improvement Advisor
John is passionately committed to enhancing the achievement and life chances of children and young people, through school improvement and by supporting the professional development of individuals and organizations. Having taught for 12 years, latterly as a senior leader, John lead the transformation of ‘APAUSE’ from a 2-school research project into an effective multi-agency Relationships and Sex Education programme with unique evidence of health benefit and educational improvement. John became an independent educational consultant in 2006, focussing on PSHE and has enjoyed repeat commissions overseas and with a range of clients supporting health and educational improvement. Currently John is working with a range of charities and commercial organisations as a Coach and Facilitator, speaker, trainer and consultant with Schools, Academies and Local Authorities, across the UK and overseas, to support school improvement and health outcomes.
Suzanne O'Connell
Dr Suzanne O’Connell is a freelance writer specialising in education. Prior to this she taught for 23 years and was a headteacher of a junior school in Nuneaton for 11 years. Suzanne can be contacted on

Designated Safeguarding Lead Specialist Certificate: Levels 1-3

Designated Safeguarding Lead Specialist Certificate: Levels 1-3
Full payment
Equipping you with essential knowledge to build on your role
Flexible learning
Access to tools to help you make your job easier
Unlimited access

Are you buying on behalf of your institution? Have any questions? Contact us via

£ 99

Advantages of online learning


As part of the lessons, we offer a rich package of materials and consultations with experts - webinars, presentations, documentation, case studies and articles.
As part of the lessons, we offer a rich package of materials and consultations with experts - webinars, presentations, documentation, case studies and articles.
Easy to learn

The course is based on the principle of optimization of learning, according to which the completion of individual modules enables the quick implementation of specific activities in practice.
The course is based on the principle of optimization of learning, according to which the completion of individual modules enables the quick implementation of specific activities in practice.

Teaching materials and training with expert commentary will show step by step how to properly perform and prepare for individual guidelines and tasks.
Teaching materials and training with expert commentary will show step by step how to properly perform and prepare for individual guidelines and tasks.
Flexible and mobile learning mode

The materials are available 24/7 on the internet platform. The participant acquires new skills from anywhere, at any time and acquires knowledge at an individual pace.
The materials are available 24/7 on the internet platform. The participant acquires new skills from anywhere, at any time and acquires knowledge at an individual pace.
A good investment

An online course saves time and money without the need for time-consuming commuting.
An online course saves time and money without the need for time-consuming commuting.
Certificate of completion of the course

Successful completion of the final test entitles you to receive a certificate confirming the acquired knowledge and documentation of professional development.
Successful completion of the final test entitles you to receive a certificate confirming the acquired knowledge and documentation of professional development.

Contact us

Do you need help placing your order? Are you buying on behalf of your institution? Have any questions? Contact us: