Exam Officer Training

Exam officers are important because they help ensure that the exam process is fair. They make sure that everyone who takes the exam has an equal opportunity to succeed and that everyone who passes does so because of their own efforts rather than because of favouritism or cheating. If you want to become an exam officer, it's helpful to prepare for the role by understanding their responsibilities.

What are the challenges of Exam Officer?

Exam Officer manages examination days in accordance with awarding body regulations, including preparing for each exam day, starting an examination, dealing with emergencies, irregularities, and malpractice, ending the examination, collecting the examination scripts, and packing and dispatching examination scripts.

Exam Officer helps to ensure that the exam process is fair. They make sure that everyone who takes the exam has an equal opportunity to succeed and that everyone who passes does so because of their own efforts rather than because of favouritism or cheating.

Exam Officer provides guidance and support for all students taking the same exam so that everyone has the resources they need to succeed.

During the course you will learn:

Course author:


How to ensure that the exams are free of outside influence?

What will you gain by taking part in the course?


Module 1:

Planning and preparation

Support for new exam officers

Paula's journey

Your role as exams officer

The exam cycle and the acadmic year

What lays ahead – preparing

Moving forward

Finding your feet as a new exams officer: roles and responsibilities

Finding your feet: developing a support mechanism

Questions to ask

Module 2:


Understanding the new JCQ inspection regime

Preparing for the JCQ readiness inspection – hints and tips

Understanding the terminology

Preparing for exam entries - considerations about the GCSE and A level entry date

Preparaing for exam entries - vocation and general qualifications

Working effectively with heads of department

Managing your exam entry fees and budget

Module 3:

Planning for summer

Preparing for summer

Invigilator training

Invigilation: Maximising the use of your resources

Invigilation: performance management

Invigilation: Good practice

Invigilation team - recruitment and training

Malpractice - students and staff

Malpractice procedures

Avoiding malpractice

Invigilation: best practice hints and tips

Module 4:

Exam Days

Understanding the Joint Council of Qualifications inspection (JCQ)

Inspection and vocational qualifications

Dealing with the unexpected

Staff wellbeing

Special consideration for vocational qualifications

Honorary certificates

Module 5:


Introducing Wendy Bell

Concluding the exams season

Special considerations


Restricted results day

Results day

Post-results services


Working with senior leadership and Heads of Departments

JCQ regulations

Reviewing the year and planning ahead

Module 6:

Access arrangements

What are access arrangements?

Roles and responsibilities

Access arrangements available

Making applications


JCQ update 2020-2021

Module 7:

Summer 2021

Where are we now?

What does this mean for exams?

Keeping up to date

Module 8:

Exams in 2021-2022

Autumn 2021

Academic year 2021-2022

Summer 2022

Autumn 2021 – Regulations and procedures

Exams in 2021-2022

Module 9:

Updates for 2022/2023

New regulations and guidance

General and Vocational qualifications (from Sept 2022)

Key Dates 2022/2023

How do customers rate the course?

Exam Officer Online Training

  • Certificate of completion
  • 24/7 access to a modern platform
  • Access on mobile and tablets
  • 2 hours of on-demand video
  • Notes and factsheets
  • Downloadable resources
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Suggested study: 12 weeks, 2 hrs per week
£ 149
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