School Inspection Framework Specialist Certificate

Our unique online course is designed to support you with every step of the requirements for school inspections. Course is tailored to meet the needs of all school levels, from primary to secondary to tertiary institutions. With our help, you can be confident that the process of school inspection will be smooth and successful.

School Inspection Framework Specialist Certificate

Our unique online course is designed to support you with every step of the requirements for school inspections. Course is tailored to meet the needs of all school levels, from primary to secondary to tertiary institutions. With our help, you can be confident that the process of school inspection will be smooth and successful.
Education form
12 months

Supporting you to inspection day and beyond!

The 2019 Ofsted inspection framework introduced 4 new judgements, a focus on ‘substance of education’, and an emphasis on more involvement for classroom teachers, among other things.

Schools may be left unsure how the new inspection framework translates into inspection day: but this doesn’t have to be so daunting once you have completed the School Inspection Framework Specialist Certificate. Our unique online course is designed to support you with every step of the requirements for school inspections.

Video lessons
Access 24/7
How it works
SIGN UP: Sign up to get the access to all unique resources, lessons and tools that will help develop your role
10+ HOURS OF CONTENT: Each module contains videos, worksheets, checklists and step by step guides
11 FULL MODULES: All of our expert led videos can be accessed separately so that you can come back to individual topics anytime you need

The modules

Module 1
✔ The new regulatory framework
✔ Changes to Common Inspection Framework (CIF to EIF)
✔ School accountability
✔ 4 key areas of inspection (‘outcomes’ for pupils removed)
✔ Overall effectiveness
✔ Focus on the curriculum and the quality of education
✔ Ofsted risk assessments
✔ Inspection frequency and notice period
✔ Schools causing concern
✔ Ofsted mythbusters
Module 2
✔ Quality of education
✔ A leading judgment
✔ Inspecting the curriculum
✔ Intent
✔ Implementation
✔ Impact
✔ Measuring outcomes
✔ Curriculum inclusion
Module 3:
✔ Behaviour and attitudes
✔ Attitude to learning
✔ Behaviour
✔ Exclusions
✔ Attendance
✔ Bullying
✔ Grade descriptors for behaviour and attitudes
✔ Training presentations for staff
Module 4:
✔ Personal development
✔ Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
✔ Fundamental British values
✔ Careers guidance
✔ Health living
✔ Citizenship
✔ Equality and diversity
✔ Preparation for next stage
✔ Grade descriptors for personal development
✔ Training presentations for staff
Module 5
✔ Leadership and management
✔ Vision and mission statement
✔ Culture
✔ Teacher CPD
✔ Teacher retention
✔ Teacher workload
✔ Attendance, exclusion and off-rolling
✔ Grade descriptors for Leadership and Management
Module 6
✔ Curriculum depth and balance
✔ What is the curriculum?
✔ Broad and balanced Identifying the end-points
✔ Identifying starting points
✔ Planned and sequenced
✔ Ambitious curriculum
Module 7
✔ Education Inspection Framework in different contexts
✔ Evaluating early years provision
✔ Grade descriptors for early years
✔ Evaluating sixth form provision
✔ Grade descriptors for sixth form
✔ Evaluating junior, middle and studio schools
✔ Evaluating special schools, PRUs and alternative provision
✔ Evaluating non-association independent schools
Module 8
✔ Self-evaluation and school improvement planning
✔ Self-evaluating your school to drive improvement
✔ Using Ofsted inspection criteria
✔ Demonstrating effectiveness to Ofsted
✔ Rewriting your self-evaluation statement (SES)
✔ Worked example SES
✔ Developing an agenda for improvement
✔ Linking CPD to school improvement
✔ Allocating resources for improvement
✔ Getting to outstanding
✔ Worked example improvement plan
Module 9
✔ Preparing for inspection
✔ Previous inspection report
✔ Conduct of inspectors
✔ Preparing staff for inspection
✔ Preparing governors for inspection
✔ What evidence inspectors will require
✔ Parent View
✔ Pupil Premium Funding
✔ Displaying information on the school website
✔ Notice of inspection
✔ Request for deferral of inspectio
Module 10
✔ Inspection day and beyond
✔ Meeting with school leader
✔ Meeting with governors
✔ Lesson observation
✔ Pupil observation
✔ Work scrutiny
✔ Post-inspection evaluation
✔ Concerns and complaints
✔ Draft inspection report and factual accuracy
Module 11
✔ Safeguarding and inspection
✔ Background and key documents
✔ Keeping children safe in education
✔ Ofsted framework 2019 V
✔ Changes to the Ofsted framework from 2019
✔ What else have Ofsted said?
✔ Staff well-being
Module 12
✔ Ofsted updates
✔ Introduction
✔ Video 1: The Ofsted Annual Report: What can we learn? (part one)
✔ Video 2: The Ofsted Annual Report: What can we learn? (part two)
✔ Video 3: Changes to the inspection handbook
✔ Video 4: Changes to the inspection of the pupil premium part 1
✔ Video 5: Changes to the inspection of the pupil premium part 2
Module 13
✔ SEN and Inspection
✔ Data uses and sources
✔ Ofsted overview
✔ Tips on developing an effective action plan
✔ School Information Report and SEN Policy – overview
Module 14:
✔ Attendance and Inspection
✔ Ofsted and attendance
✔ Notification and preparation
✔ Behaviour and attitudes
✔ Leadership and management
✔ AP PRUs Early Years Sixth Forms

Course content

Training videos

High quality learning and instructional videos for training, prepared and recorded by our speakers.
High quality learning and instructional videos for training, prepared and recorded by our speakers.
24 hours / 7 day access

Uninterrupted access from any place and device, with autosave of your current progress.
Uninterrupted access from any place and device, with autosave of your current progress.
Complex support

All the materials used by the speakers are available for you to download.
All the materials used by the speakers are available for you to download.
Case studies

Particular instances with downloadable materials prepared by practitioners.
Particular instances with downloadable materials prepared by practitioners.
Knowledge compendium

Practical examples, ready-made solutions and advices.
Practical examples, ready-made solutions and advices.
Certificate confirming participation in the course

Confirming the acquisition of new competences.
Confirming the acquisition of new competences.


Sue Cowley
Author, Presenter and Trainer
Sue Cowley is a writer, presenter, teacher educator and author of 30 books on education. After qualifying as an early years teacher with a first class BEd (Hons), she taught into primary and secondary schools and overseas. Sue’s international bestseller Getting the Buggers to Behave has been translated into ten languages and is a set text at many universities. Her best selling guide for NQTs How to Survive your First Year in Teaching has been in print for 20 years. Sue has written articles and columns for numerous education publications, including the TES, Teach Primary, Early Years Educator and Nursery World. She was a regular presenter on Teachers TV and has featured in numerous education videos. She now works internationally as a teacher trainer and presenter. Sue has been part of the management team at her local preschool for the last ten years, and over that time has helped the setting move from a ‘Satisfactory’ Ofsted grading to an ‘Outstanding’ one. Her latest books are The Ultimate Guide to Differentiation and The Ultimate Guide to Mark Making in the Early Years published by Bloomsbury.
Joanne Sierzega
Central School Attendance and Welfare Service
In October 2015 after almost 16 years of working for and in turn managing a Local Authority Education Welfare I with two partners established CSAWS (Central School Attendance and Welfare Service ltd.) CSAWS is a team of proactive, passionate and committed Education Welfare Officers. We are committed to achieving better outcomes for children by securing regular attendance at school. We understand that the reasons behind non-school attendance can be varied and complex. We offer both strategic and casework interventions. We provide support to schools and settings to identify and improve school attendance including reviewing, refining and advising on school approaches and processes. We develop clear action plans for and with schools through thorough data analysis and attendance reviews.
Samantha Garner
Consultant & Trainer
Samantha Garner is a well-established consultant and trainer in the world of SEN, Access Arrangements and Mental Health. Originally a music teacher, she has worked in the SEN arena for over 15 years and spent time in a large secondary school where she set up a specialist behaviour unit. After this time she qualified as a CBT therapist and child and adolescent counsellor. Sam has trained and consulted in the whole spectrum of educational establishments from PRUs to very prestigious private schools. She is a published author of several mental health support programmes and regularly writes for SEN magazines.
Matt Bromley
Education Advisor, Bromley Education
Matt Bromley is an education writer and advisor with over twenty years’ experience in teaching and leadership including as a secondary school headteacher and principal, FE college vice principal, and MAT director. He also works as a public speaker, trainer, and school improvement lead, and is a primary school governor. Matt writes for various newspapers and magazines, sits on SecEd’s editorial board and co-hosts their podcast. He is the author of numerous best-selling books for teachers and his education blog has been voted one of the UK’s most influential. He regularly speaks at national and international conferences and events, and provides education advice to charities, government agencies, training providers, colleges and multi-academy trusts. He works as a consultant and trainer with several companies and also provides a wide selection of direct-to-market consultancy and training services through his own company, Bromley Education, which he founded in 2012. Matt has worked at senior levels in the public and private sectors and, prior to teaching, was a senior manager in the telecoms industry. He began his working life in newspaper journalism. He has an Honours degree in English Language and Literature, a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education and the National Professional Qualification for Headship, as well as several professional qualifications.
John Viner
Education writer, adviser and inspector
John Viner has taught in both primary and secondary schools, with a long history of successful primary school leadership. He is now a full-time writer, inspector and adviser.
David Birch
Educational Consultant
David is a former secondary headteacher and now a school improvement adviser and consultant. Until recently he was an associate director of the National Education Trust and much of his recent work with them has focused on the impact of the Pupil Premium on improving outcomes for disadvantaged students. He was a school improvement partner in the south-west and continues to provide regular support to several schools, carrying out curriculum and leadership reviews, coaching and mentoring, and supporting Governors in the appointment of new Headteachers. He contributes regularly to conferences and training events and writes for ‘School Inspection and Improvement’ magazine. He leads CPD and works with schools on whole school literacy and English; he is a senior A Level English Literature examiner and approved subject expert for Ofqual for whom he has worked on examination accreditation and standards over time. Email: Twitter: @birch_david

Sign up!

School Inspection Framework Specialist Certificate
Full payment
Everything you need to know about the Education Inspection Framework without leaving the classroom
Become the expert when it comes to the new inspection framework
Access to tools to help you make your job easier
Unlimited access

Are you buying on behalf of your institution? Have any questions? Contact us via

£ 99

Advantages of online learning


As part of the lessons, we offer a rich package of materials and consultations with experts - webinars, presentations, documentation, case studies and articles.
As part of the lessons, we offer a rich package of materials and consultations with experts - webinars, presentations, documentation, case studies and articles.
Easy to learn

The course is based on the principle of optimization of learning, according to which the completion of individual modules enables the quick implementation of specific activities in practice.
The course is based on the principle of optimization of learning, according to which the completion of individual modules enables the quick implementation of specific activities in practice.

Teaching materials and training with expert commentary will show step by step how to properly perform and prepare for individual guidelines and tasks.
Teaching materials and training with expert commentary will show step by step how to properly perform and prepare for individual guidelines and tasks.
Flexible and mobile learning mode

The materials are available 24/7 on the internet platform. The participant acquires new skills from anywhere, at any time and acquires knowledge at an individual pace.
The materials are available 24/7 on the internet platform. The participant acquires new skills from anywhere, at any time and acquires knowledge at an individual pace.
A good investment

An online course saves time and money without the need for time-consuming commuting.
An online course saves time and money without the need for time-consuming commuting.
Certificate of completion of the course

Successful completion of the final test entitles you to receive a certificate confirming the acquired knowledge and documentation of professional development.
Successful completion of the final test entitles you to receive a certificate confirming the acquired knowledge and documentation of professional development.

Contact us

Do you need help placing your order? Are you buying on behalf of your institution? Have any questions? Contact us